Service guaranteed
Get in touch for reliable metering, service and assistance when you need it.
Pre-paid metering: How does it work?
Pre-paid electricity and water for owners
Tenant electricity
Monthly reporting
Owner return
Costing covered
Service guaranteed
Utlitiy Wise prouds itself in only using Nersa approved tariffs.
Winter and summer month tariffs are implemented timeously.
The municipality may only provide one water and electricity meter on a premises.
Any sub metering must be done by a private contractor such as Utility Wise.
- The owner of the premises will have to ensure that there are sufficient credits on the Municipal meter which is supplied directly from the authority so that all the sub-meters within it can make use of it.
- Utility Wise takes over the Centlec meter and ensures that there are sufficient credits on the Municipal meter which is supplied directly from the authority so that all the submeters within it can make use of it. No payment is then made to the owner, and the money paid by the tenants is used to maintain the credit on the Municipal meter.
Smart Pre-paid
A Smart meter is a meter that can read Peak, standard and off peak tariffs.
Meter readings are updated in real time.
Download the app “Property Wallet” on the app stores.
- Buy / pay his electricity and water
- Set amount to purchase in the app wallet (linked to your U Wise account)
- Eft the monies to transact
Peace of mind tariff control
The rate that may be charged by Utility Managers such as Utility Wise is controlled by NERSA.
Centlec and Managung Municipality also have tariffs that they have approved for the resale of power and water.
Utility Wise keeps very strictly within these limits provided by the authorities.
The rate that the tenants pay is 10% higher than what the power and water can be purchased for directly from the local authority.
This 10% is divided between all the service providers to make the sub metering possible. These are all Vendors/Supermarkets, Online purchases, Mobile phone purchases and the System used for this.
Utility Wise only charges this 10% which is prescribed.